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Financial Analysis

Projecting Driver-Based Financial Performance and Constraining Operating Plans According to Financial Constraints

Financial analysis integrated into supply chain strategy ensures that operational plans are attainable and align with financial goals. By projecting driver-based financial performance and constraining plans using financial metrics, businesses can optimize profitability, manage risks, and achieve corporate objectives effectively.

Your Key Decisions Optimized
  • Optimal capital allocations / capex projects 
  • How to achieve targets with a limited amount of working capital 
Solving Complex Questions
  • Use of scarce resources? (Capacity, Materials)
  • Margin Vs. Growth?
  • Best use of capital?
  • Customer and product priorities?
  • Risk and sustainability commitments?
Demonstrated Value

Up Arrow Balanced growth

Up Arrow Operating margins

Up Arrow Company NPV

Up Arrow Company NPV

How Value Chain Optimization Transforms Network Design for Our Customers

Achieve the following 5 goals through end-to-end financial optimization:

  1. Improve Forecast Accuracy and Risk Resiliency
  2. Drive Profitable Growth in Leaner Times
  3. Deliver Value through Margin Transformation
  4. Increase Capital Efficiency
  5. Act on ESG